I don’t give a fuck about Kristen Stewart as a celebrity, as a diversity and inclusion expert, as an actress, as a face or leader of Lesbianism and RAINBOW SWASTIKA FLAGS for the fake and gay-ification of society as a whole….SHE IS BORING.
But I’ll look at her tits with her painted up face, that looks like she could be doing YELLOW face, or maybe this is just what a lesbian facial looks like after getting painted by a bitch, who knows, but the manageable sized tits are hot…EVEN IF THEY ARE BORING.
Nude selfies bring me happiness, so as long as Kristen Stewart is delivering them to us, we’ll consider her on our team, just NOT on our team, because she scissors…and hates you and your penis….as they do…unless that’s all a lie, since I consider lesbianism a myth that makes no biological sense and that I can only explain as LEARNED bahvior…but what do I know, lesbians have always hated me like they hate dick, just not rubber or silicone dick, because it’s severed from the TOXIC man they hate…so they never talk to me about their inner workings in lesbian….but I’m happy believing that lesbianism is a fetish, a sex act and not a sexuality…..but then again, I don’t believe in any sexuality or gender bullshit…it’s all just sexual fetishes being celebrated….and it’s weird….
But nude selfies, those are always a glimpse into what I want to be seeing, a passion really!