Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Bathing suits…..for whatever reason still appeal to me…..even though you can find videos of hot 20 year old girls in college fisting themselves on the internet….

I’m more into implied nudity, rather gaping asshole nudity, because I don’t really need to see how meaty the vagina is, or how it may or may not dangle in the win…

Maybe I’m old school, or some sort of romantic, but the bikini speaks more to my personality of being hated by most women due to my personality, so that their bikinis or swimsuits are about as good of a show as they’ll ever give me,….even though you can probably find videos of them fisting themselves on the internet….you know to show you just how meaty the vagina is…DELI COUNTER…..which for the record, I don’t mind because I like vagina, it’s just more fun not knowing every detail of a woman…and bathing suits is the public way to do that.

So here’s that random as fuck bathing suit round-up….

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day June 21st, 2022