Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

There are a few instagram created games like Spike Ball and the spin offs, you know that dudes who like being topless seem to like playing in the park like it’s GAY PRIDE everyday…..

There’s a few other instagram created board games like that Cards Against Humanity shit with all the spin-offs.

Then there’s a few instagram created sports leagues that got their shine thanks to social media….

But for some reason, competitive titty drops are not an organized event, league, or thing girls do in the park, or on weekends with friends….it’s more sporadic, uploaded because of the hive uploading it, but not for prizes, or title belts, which I guess in this case would be gold, silver and bronze titty tassels……or BRAS….but either way, it’s one of those if the ether doesn’t make it happen, maybe it’s up to me to WWE this shit into a touring event for the masses….TITTY DROPS are the best challenge around and so much more can be done with them…..but for now, just watch these amateurs laying the groundwork for their sport, probably how women’s tennis league felt when they first got organized in the 70s….it has to start somewhere and we are on the CUSP of that…..first mover perverts…..

Now tits.

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day June 23rd, 2022