Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I wonder how many of you got Monkey Pox this weekend, it’s all the fucking rage, you know bring back the SMALL POX virus through the homosexual community on PRIDE month, to get them all lined up for more vaccines, because 3 COVID shots wasn’t enough, get them filled with more fucked up shit that can destroy their heart in the name of health and wellness in this “Climate Crisis” we’ll assume they blame for the new viruses, instead of calling them bioweapons made in a lab..because that would imply something SINISTER and since we don’t live in a horror movie, although a lot of us do, I mean if you were to walk in on my wife taking a shit, or just walk by the bathroom since she does’t close the door, you will know a hell that you never could fathom existed.

Anyway, with Monkey Pox on the rise, no public toilet seat can be licked with confidence, and since it’s predominately in the gay community, the slutty gay community that is likely all on PREP, you probably have something to worry about….

But don’t worry, you’ll be in good hands with medical workers who moonlight as sex workers on OnlyFans because they don’t fear being fired for masturbating or producing nudes on the job for the internet, if anything, it brings the field more shine and could even increase enrolment at NURSE colleges….”You mean I get a salary, benefits, a pension whlile I spend my days flirting with millionaire doctors, that we know at least one will crack and potentially knock us up on our late night shifts AND we can sell nudes on the internet to people who have signs on their lawn that read “Thank You Health Care Workers’ from this whole covid shit….SIGN ME UP….not me, I was writing that as if I was an opportunitistic whore into making money off my cooter, duh.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day June 27th, 2022