Nicole Scherzinger puling through for the SCAT LOVING, FECAL FETISHISTS out there who actually have a proper name….”Coprophilia”….the sexual arousal from feces….
Now, most feces isn’t this grey colored clay shit she’s smothered herself in, but I figure it’s close enough and some of you, like me, are probably not the healthiest, with the healthy high fiber diets Oprah used to tell us about when making her billions, then there’s the whole drinking, hepatitis, diabetes, impending death that makes our shit more blood colored….but we’ll take it, since it’s some old hag who may have originally been a man in her dried out mud crackling under the sun, rather than her dried out skin because she’s a dinosaur…
She’s still got a hot body, but who knows how real that is….from tits, to face, to filters…it’s anyone’s guess what is the real Nicole Scherzinger and what is aftermarket mods….
Either way, she’s rich enough to not be sent to DUBAI to get shit on by billionaire oil people for money like the other slutty influencers on social media, but not rich enough to not post pics of her in a bikini covered in mud as an excuse to show off her bikini body….why not, what the fuck else is she up to….