Kendall Jenner Bikini of the Day

Kendall Jenner is either the test run for Bruce Jenner, meaning she was born male, they gave her the chop and puberty blockers like she was 25 percent of public school students being indoctrinated by the satanic agenda with insane shit they don’t understand, like their genders….thanks creepy teachers and parents….

OR….she is the vagina they used to sculpt Bruce’s vagina when he got the chop, so that it would look as natural as possible, because artificial pussy makes a dude feel like a lady more than just keeping his dick tucked like a more reasonable transgender….

Because you know they are a weird opportunistic family sent from the fifth dimension of hell to manipulate and destroy the american spirit by turning everyone into a vapid selfie idiot craving fame for the sake of fame, or being unhappy not being able to afford a private jet, which for the record, I am pretty disappointed in myself for not being able to afford a private jet, because flying commercial is some peasant shit….that even peasants like myself want nothing to do with…

I don’t know if the Kardashians were smart enough to be as relevant as they are, or if it just happened because they had the right team, I just know the damage they’ve done will be felt for all of our lifetimes….when pigs get face injections and liposuction to pull off some “hot porn chick” look….and every other pig follows….

I do know that Kendall Jenner is the hottest they have to offer, so I’ll look at her wais to hip ratio in a skimpy low cut bikini, whether she’s trans or just mould pussy or not…and just because she’s the hottest they have to offer, that’s not saying she’s all that hot, since the rest are pigs who have had too many procedures…..but it’s saying I’ll look at her crotch to see if I can see where the balls once were. So far…Inconclusive.


Kendall Jenner Bikini of the Day July 6th, 2022