Tanline Thursday of the Day

It is TANLINE THURSDAY where we celebrate the sun that has been the foundation of life since the dawn of the Earth existence….even though a bunch of the tanlines you see are spray tans by lazy people who don’t mind spraying chemicals on themselves for a look….because they’ve been told that the sun KILLS them and causes them cancers, when really it makes the body produce vitamin d, which is the hormone that basically cures a bunch of ailments…..

The sun charges you, it sends you information, and if done right it brings you tanlines that highlight the good parts…that you’re not supposed to see….

Some tanlines are worse than others, like the fat white cat lady who has decided to go to the tropics to fuck locals for the adventure, where they are all bright red with a horrible farmer’s tan from their swimming shit they wore…NOT all tanlines are created equally….but we like to focus on the hot ones…the slutty ones…even if it’s produced by chemicals….who cares, maybe them dying off from the chemicals in 20 years from their spray tan addiction will be welcomed because they are no longer hot and that’s all that ever mattered to them….we live in the NOW….NOW TANLINES!

Tanline Thursday of the Day July 7th, 2022