Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls are not all dumpster fire pigs who look like they smoke weed to get through life because life has been unfair to them….not all weed girls are sloppy ass, lazy ass, bitches who get nothing done besides snacking all day…..but a lot of them are.

I am all for girls who smoke weed, or really anyone who smokes weeds, since I am into holistic medicine after seeing how fucking crazy BIG PHARMA is, and realize that if smoking weed gets you through it, if it makes your life better, it is a fuck of a lot better than being on SSRIs they prescribe to everyone to turn them into mindless shills…

We are all depressed, life sucks, humanity sucks, being motivated to live is for a small group of people will somehting to prove, so you might as well turn the chill on with a plant that you can grow with zero to no effort, especially when it was marketed as being the gateway to so many bad things in the propaganda against it, when really it’s probably just a gateway to sitting on the damn couch and not hating your life for it.

All this to say, DrunkenStepfather is SMOKED OUT stepfather…..at least for the sake of lookig at slutty self produced content of girls who think WEED makes for an ideal nude model prop.

I am into it.

Weed Wednesday of the Day July 13th, 2022