Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When you have a good ass, you can wear anything and it’ll look good, even those bastardized and hated granny panties that are finally making a comeback because women and their hive minds have decided to reclaim them, like they are reclaiming bush, because COVID taught them comfort is king and NO dude gives an actual fuck about your bush, or panties, so be lazy bitch….

When you have a shitty ass, full back panties are probably more efficient of absorbing said shit….because the thong has too little fabric.

I’ve been a firm believer that seeing any and all panties on any and all grades of quality ass, is a win….but also that girls who think wearing jockey underwear is some feminist protest are fucking idiots since generations of women, we’re taking for at least 100 years, wore full back panties daily, not just in stagnant relationships and not just on their periods so here are a bunch of FULL bak panties, most looking good…all worth looking at.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day July 15th, 2022