Fishnet Friday of the Day

I heard somewhere that the prepping community of Youtube, you know those people who are anticipating the end of times, which is finally being validated by the insanity going around, at what some call a biblical level…..

But some of these motherfuckers have been prepping for the last 50 years, only to be called insane by everyone who knows them, with all their food rations, bunkers, off grid power systems, shelters, land with a water source planning…..

You know, the kind of guy who you’d go shakedown in the even that it was the actual end times, taking everything he worked so hard for because you’re just that kind of asshole….

Because there are two types of people out there, those who over plan, and those who take what they fucking need when they don’t plan.

Either way, youtube apparently doesn’t want you knowing how to build shelter, grow food, survive, hunt, trap, fish, generate power, find water, or any of that, because it leads to you being independent from the control grid that they want us on…since if you were to prep, you’d realize that everything in our society is a scam, a prison, and that you are only free when you are self sufficient and living off the land.

I am a firm believer that the only real item you need in your prepping is a pair of fishnets….you can use them to trap animals, that can act as a tourniquet, or that you can put on after starving for a few months to seduce the prepper with a “Excuse me sir, can I borrow a cup of powdered milk”….in your sexy lingerie like these babes… who I don’t think are prepping, but doing they are seducing us, probably for money, which I guess in its own way is prepping too, even though money will be obsolete.

Fishnet Friday of the Day July 22nd, 2022