Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I am a firm believer that being a fat fuck is a choice, sure, some people may have what they say is hormonal, or genetic, but that’s likely a load of bullshit, and sure some people may not be able to eat 5,000 calories a day and not gain weight, while some people can, but ultimately, anyone and everyone can be a fit as fuck machine, if they are just disciplined.

So instead of society saying “fat is gross” or shaming fat people into thinking they are gross, all for their benefit because those who listen will get their act together, they are trying to convince us that fat is beautiful, hot or wonderful, and sure every once in a while a fat girl can be decent looking, can have hot tits, good cleavage or a pretty face, but she’d be a 10 if she wasn’t 200 pounds…

I guess they want people fat, lazy, distracted, tired, sore, chronically ill, lazy, ordering their fast food and take out, eating their junk food, consuming crap they don’t need to feel better about their sadness…..so they normalize the shit…

The we’ve got big girls not cutting calories to 1000 per day, not exercising an hour or more a day, not trying to live their best fit life, but instead feeling hot and amazing because it’s their fat girl time to shine, and luckily they are greasy from all the fast food enough to embrace the shine, their pussies greasy too…which may be why they have a constant line of men willing to fuck them which for some reason they think is an accomplishment, because I guess they’ve never seen those world record gangbang clips with Anna Chong or whatever her name was….dudes will fuck anything, even a blown out pussy with 100 loads from earlier that day in it….you’re not special.

Since I have a no fat chicks allowed policy, I’ll say I don’t mind the exhibitionism as a concept, prefer if they were fit, do this for inclusivity because I like slutty behavior, ,and I’m just glad they have biological female genitals.

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day July 27th, 2022