Rita Ora Sucks of the Day

IF you’re wondering why old as shit Rita Ora is not a famous popstar, or why she had to use her tits to get attention in the thirstiest way…..going to multiple events tits out after landing a record deal that didn’t pan out for her…..because she’s no Rihanna….forcing her to be some sort of low hanging fruit influencer…straight from the refugee camps of Bosnia…..then you have to watch her attempt at a song now that she’s rich from influencing….

This video came out in June, but I only noticed it now, that’s how relevant she is…her face looking old as shit in her very produced video….spewing out meaningless words set to meaningless sounds because the people don’t seek quality or emotion, they’re numb.


To which I say….WHERE THE TITS AT….now that she’s got a rich husband from the movies, a career as an influencer, an attempt at being the old as shit pop star she watned to be, the tits take a backseat, like they aren’t the ONLY reason she exists.

EVIL is hard at work people.

Luckily, she brought her tits to what looks like a SKEET SHOOT, where the SKEET wasn’t being shot on her face as she’s accustomed to, but at least her tits were there in plain sight, so that I feel some sense of normalcy….

She was also in a black dress, THAT’S RACIST.


Rita Ora Sucks of the Day July 29th, 2022