Margot Robbie Disappoints in a Bikini of the Day

I know that Margot Robbie is one of the mind control puppets they use to manipulate the masses with, you know the “celebrity chick” that all dudes think is SOOOO HOT, and if you don’t subscribe to that propaganda, you are considered some kind of faggot, even though they are also pushing the gay agenda, and probably want you in bath houses taking 3 dicks a week for multiple years, until your asshole prolapses, or you get overtaken by parasites they call STDs…….

So in being a top tier distraction, clickbait, fanboy fodder, “girl in the red dress” to keep the idiot slaves well behaved and not paying attention, she’s managed to have a pretty impressive career, they basically put her in everything and it sure isn’t because she knows how to act, seriously, she’s awful when you watch her objectively, it was just to get her in top billing, so that she can increase her celebrirty, her price and her wealth…..

She was hot in Wolf of Wall Street, because she was naked, but there are so many hotter naked chicks out there who never become Margot Robbie…….therefore she is fucking scam, she is fake news and all your boners for her and by design by the matrix you’re plugged into.

If you don’t believe me, check out her luxury bikini vacation on a yacht cuz she’s rich and fancy, it’s pretty uneventful, if it wasn’t your favorite Harley Quinn besides Lady Gaga, you nerd fuck loser, you’d think this was your mom living her best life.

Totally, disappointing, but I’ve known she wasn’t hot for A LONG fucking time, you see, you should listen to me, I’m always right.


Margot Robbie Disappoints in a Bikini of the Day August 9th, 2022