Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am on the fence about the legalization of weed……maybe it’s just my weed hazed paranoia because as an alcoholic who likes polluting my body with anything I can, I always felt that weed was the equivalent of smoking salad, you know getting my greens, I’m not trying to make lame ass weird puns here, I mean it’s organic, grown anywhere, not processed, a fucking weed….so when you eat dog shit like me, any vegetation seems like a good health choice.

Then there’s the whole fights cancer, helps depression, helps A.D.D and all that shit, that I guss didnt’ work so well for weed advocate Olivia Newton John, but I guess she could have died decades ago if it wasn’t for the weed, who fucking knows.

I am on the fence about the weed legalization thing, because I don’t trust the whole lawmakers doing what is best for the people and can only assume it’s a vessel for them to poison people, but maybe I am underestimating their greed when they can corner the market and make all the weed money, right.

I guess, we’ll have to see how that pans out, as the President of your country is fighting for Russia to legalize weed with that Grinder dude, something we can only assume he’ll do at home and be forced to release all the weed criminals still in jail for weed here, hopefully into your neighborhood so you always have a PLUG.

Weed Wednesday of the Day August 10th, 2022