Anne Heche’s Tits Before it is Too Late of the Day (Update, it is too late)

It’s not necrophilia if they are still on life support…

So get it in while you can…

Update: It is too late, Anne Heche is dead and I am sure those who killed her for knowing too much will never get arrested, because it was an accident…RIGHT..there’s no way an industry veteran like her could have dirt on people, it’s just a story of an unhinged celeb who dated Ellen…….OK…….

I pulled this satanic story from her wikipedia:

On March 3, 1983, when Heche was 13, her 45-year-old father died of HIV/AIDS, which she believed was contracted from a homosexual partner: “He was in complete denial until the day he died. We know he got it from his gay relationships. Absolutely. I don’t think it was just one. He was a very promiscuous man, and we knew his lifestyle then”, Heche said on Larry King Live. Heche said that he repeatedly raped her from the time she was an infant until she was 12, giving her genital herpes.[12] When asked “But why would a gay man rape a girl?” in a 2001 interview with The Advocate, Heche replied “I don’t think he was just a gay man. I think he was sexually deviant. My belief was that my father was gay and he had to cover that up. I think he was sexually abusive. The more he couldn’t be who he was, the more that came out of him in [the] ways that it did.”[12] In a 1998 interview, she reflected that her father being closeted ultimately “destroyed his happiness and our family. But it did teach me to tell the truth. Nothing else is worth anything.”

WHAT? They call that leaving a paper trail……Either way, RIP Motherfucker. She was hot but KNEW too much and was probably bitter after not becoming a billionaire for playing her part in the Gay Agenda of the 90s….OH no, I’ve said too much.

Anne Heche’s Tits Before it is Too Late of the Day (Update, it is too late) August 12th, 2022