Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I’ve had 17 COVID shots and I’ve just tested positive for covid, but I am grateful for having the vaccine, because without it, the symptoms would be so much worse and I’d never have such an intimate relationship with all these auto-immune diseases that my immune system were keeping at bay, until being rattled by gene therapy that got me producing spike proteins indefinitely…….

These are some medical workers who are smart enough to get naked on the internet because they are on the frontlines, our heroes, who know that society is either going to collapse after the insanity we all went through and that I guess they are still pushing on us in weird tyrannical ways……you still can’t cross the border into the USA or Canada without a shot that has proven to not work……and they still tried to fire a group of people, women included, even in these support women times, black women included, even in these support black lives time, single moms, all for not wanting some shot that they didn’t need for working COVID wing the entire pandemic………..

It was fucked up that people praised them, then tried to throw them in the trash, but at least some of them figured out to use the hype to get the nudes out there, so that they can live a life of less bullshit rules and regulations that make no sense and that if you don’t participate they way they want you to, you’ll be kicked to the fucking curb to fucking starve.

Health care workers may be heroes, they may also be demons trying to get your kids on puberty blockers, but whatever they are, they are better nude and fetishized, because I am a pervert and everything is better nude, even when it’s not.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day August 15th, 2022