Christina Milian’s Got Dick Neck of the Day

I don’t know who the dude pressing his cock against Christina Milian’s neck is, but it’s probably something she’s into because it doesn’t involve the same amount of effort of when she traditionally has dick neck, I think they call it throating, or sloppy top, or what she does when she’s not trying to get pregnant.

The rich as fuck, Disney Kid turned slutty one-hit wonder with a slutty music video, is living her influencer life on th beach somewhere in a one piece, and despite being in her 40s, she’s looking pretty good.

Sure, there’s nothing interesting, compelling or exciting about her, but as a mom of two who runs some instagram businesses, and who collects checks as a song writer on hit songs, the fact that she’s able to make time for slutty pics for attention is interesting enough, since we’re here for the tits…and when they are moms, it’s more fun because we can judge them as parents while doing it.

“Oh she has two kids you never see, maybe she keeps them off the social media as I would if I was a parent, or maybe they are with the nanny while she gets her neck fucked the wrong way, shocking”.

Christina Milian’s Got Dick Neck of the Day August 17th, 2022