Bella Hadid Titty Upshirt of the Day

Bella Hadid may be fake news, or fake high end fashion model, with what I’d assume is imposter syndrome if she wasn’t like all the girls her age, who have their heads so far up their asses, and that are so fucking spoiled, that they don’t realize that there was an era where people had to pay their dues and actually deserved the titles like top model that they got.

Sure, there was nepotism, sure there was dick sucking to get there, sure there were rich people like Bella Hadid with a dad who was willing to invest in making it happen, and sure there were flukes that made no actual sense, but never has there been such a basic looking girl being pushed on us hard because she can convert sales for the brand and the people working with her are just a bunch of fucking groupies.

But yeah, Bella Hadid rode her sister’s career and moved in as her replacement after being a third wheel on the Jenner train and that’s what it took. She didn’t need to be hot, she didn’t need to be fit, she didn’t need to have tits, but luckily she is fit and has tits, because otherwise this lie would be TOTALLY unbelievable.

But yeah, she’s in an era where no one gives a fuck about models, everyone has an onlyfans pushing nudes, so if her content is to compete, trend or represent the culture, so she keeps her strong hold on her audience, then she best sleaze it up a little, so here’s that sleeze from the right angle, pushing some overpriced desinger pants she got for free, but wants you to pay for, when she’s the rich one. Don’t fall for the marketing trap!


Bella Hadid Titty Upshirt of the Day August 22nd, 2022