Milf Monday of the Day

As an old fuck, the whole allure of MILFs is thrown out the fucking window…the MILF fetish is a young guys game, you know for the thrill of fucking an older more experienced mom, or fucking your bully’s mom, or fucking your best friend’s hot mom, just to annoy him with it for the rest of his life…….

When you’re older, fucking a MILF is really just like fucking anyone 20 years younger than you, only they’ve got more of a blown out pussy, in some cases more responsibility so that they can’t get clingy, but in my case they’ve typically given up on the whole mom thing for drugs, and CPS is doing the raising for them, but from a generic perspective, MILFs know how to fuck to completion and they are too tired to feel shame while licking your ass in the window they have available between mom shit..

In this era, it’s just interesting to see that non every woman subscribed to the Jennifer Anistion, Sex and the City, don’t breed, have a career feminism, or the whole abortions are awesome, why have kids when you can have them sucked out and make a porn fetish out of it…it’s as if some people still use babies to trap their man like the good old days.


Milf Monday of the Day August 22nd, 2022