Lili Reinhart Bra of the Day

Lili Reinhart is a clunky, old, sack of shit of a celebrity.

She exists because the younger generation of media consumers decided Riverdale, the worst show to ever last as long as it has lasted, was some culturally relevant dog shit. The fact it lasted as long as it did is almost as crazy as their casting for Betty and Veronica, where they had an opportunity to have two hot chicks, since that’s how I viewed both when I read Archie comics as a kid, but instead they brought some low frequency, depressing girls in, probably all part of the agenda to keep the young kids dumb, low expectation, miserable, medicated fucks!

She’s in some dumb movie with an interesting concept about “what happened if” she got pregnant, versus her NOT getting pregnant. I accidentally put it on this week, and her acting was so bad that I had to turn it off, but basically she got knocked up and they try to interlace her story if she wasn’t knocked up with her story being knocked up, probably abortion propaganda, but I wouldn’t know, I lasted about 10 mins, and not cuz I came and was done with it, but because I didn’t.

I assume that is what this is from, I mean you have to bring your big tits out for a sex scene that gets you pregnant, but the truth is, I don’t remember the sex scene and thought she was already pregnant based on her size alone! So what o I know.

As it turns out, when tit comes to bad actors, I don’t mind revisiting their tits, so here ya go, it’s not great, but it’s better than the movie I am assuming this is from.


Lili Reinhart Bra of the Day August 24th, 2022