Tanline Thursday of the Day

When tanlines aren’t on leathery ladies in florida who have spent their retirement cooking themselves with various oils and mirrors to amplify the UV, until they look like an overcooked Turkey on Christmas, if you’ve been to Florida at a 55+ resort, you know the type of Griswald Family Christmas Turkey I mean!

But yeah, when tanlines are on hot, taut, younger, less skin damaged with more collagen women, they are hot highlighters highlighting the good stuff!

I don’t know if all of these tans are from charging themselves out in nature, because the sun is your friend, it’s the creams that they tell you to put on to protect you from the sun that cause cancer!

Shocking, a species of animals like HUMANS who are theoretically FROM this earth, are designed to be EXPOSED to its radiation since that is HOW things grow, CRAZY!

It’s almost like there’s a conspiracy against the sun or something, maybe we should DIM it, and take away all the natural tanlines and replace it with creams purchased from industrial manufactures made from chemicals to stain the skin and disrupt hormones!


Tanline Thursday of the Day August 25th, 2022