Charlbi Dean Kriek is the Hot Dead Actress of the Day

I only found out about South African model and actress Charlbi Dean the other week because she’s in some “Eat the Rich” inspired movie that makes the rich out to be fucking idiots, where she plays one of the rich on a Cruise ship that goes down! Wood Harrelson is the captain!

Well, as it turns out – she’s dead due to a sudden illness at 32 years old and we’re all left wondering what could have happened, what is the cause of all these young people dying, I mean could it have anything to do with experimental medicines that killed off all the animals in the trials, I mean that’d be making a hefty fucking assumption, but regardless when a hot young chick who was a bout to pop off in a big way drops dead, we should all look on in sadness, appreciate her for what she’s done, while looking at her old hot pics to see what we’re going to be missing from her!

It’s a sad story, but if it is caused by what I think it is, and it’s not an opiate overdose, a broken heart suicide, some other kind of overdose, or some other kind of suicide, it’s hard to feel too much sadness, you gotta know what you’re putting in your body, and you can’t just do what the TV tells you to do, you do have a fucking brain, brainless!

Remember all cause mortality is higher than ever, you don’t need to wonder too hard as to why, probably because people didn’t go to the doctor during the pandemic to get some horrible, terminal illness that went undetected, THAT must be it!

Or she was a liability, so they had to sacrifice her as part of the marketing of the film, you know sacrifice one to excel the others! That couldn’t be it either!

When a hot chick dies, we all feel it! RIP MOTHERFUCKER!

Charlbi Dean Kriek is the Hot Dead Actress of the Day August 30th, 2022