Weed Wednesday of the Day

I may be a weed enthusiast, I think it’s great to deal in plants and not pharma, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say the girls who are producing content around weed are doing the best job of marketing weed!

Posting you doing anything in a bragging, or showing off kind of way is kinda lame as shit if you think about it, are they bragging like high school girls in a “I smoke weed” way “I’m so bad” instead of just smoking weed, or is this just them saying “I smoke weed, I’m so cool”, or is this the oversharing era of you can’t do anything naked without streaming it to your feed? Because it’s looking like “I smoke weed and love snacks” for a lot of em!

I’m not hating on any girl finding her niche, getting naked as part of some weird hustle, becoming a weed influencer as a job pays more than working at Target, especially if you rook nerds into your onlyfans, so work it, let us watch the free promo pics, but at a certain point it’s hardly about weed for the weed fetishists, who I guess exist, there’s a fetish for everything and more just a prop, but it is God’s Plant, Amazon told me, so Amazon must want me smoking weed too, making weed all the more suspicious!

If governments are bad, why are they pushing that we legalize weed?


To keep us oppressed man!

Weed Wednesday of the Day August 31st, 2022