I don’t know why Ireland Baldwin looks like a chicken roasting at the Shwarma place, but there’s a oily and burnt sheen to her hormone imbalanced breast meeat, but maybe it has something to do with her dad being a murder, who whether it’s an accident or an actual murder, still involved someone dying because of him, which i guess we could argue is murder, even when there are loopholes around it!
I did think she was getting her pussy shaved by her assistant, you know rich kid who has never worked by who can afford a personal pussy shaver to follow her around thanks to her trust fund, but it looks like it’s a make-up artist, which we don’t have to wonder too hard as to what they are covering up – Monkey pox!
She’s got big tits for a 6 foot tall dude, all bloated like her face looks thanks to her shaved head, and I guess the big tits are what we’re here for, as the less important young baldwin with the more important baldwin dad, ant it’s all too confusing to bother keeping up with, but those tits! Big!