Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed!

Insert your favorite fate joke in the comments!

We need to bring back shame to obesity!

I saw a great meme of a fat fuck girl with a thought bubble that read “Marilyn Monroe was Plus Sized” and I thought “brilliant”, because we’ve all met fat girls who try to convince us they are hot through Marilyn Monroe’s measurements!

This is my inclusivity and empowering post where the objective is to PRETEND to be inclusive, while pushing the whole “fat is fucking gross, starve yourself and do some fitness”!

Fat is not genetic, it’s diet and exercise, just watch any documentaries about famine, where are the fat people starving saying “I’m genetically predisposed to be fat, fat shamer, it’s not my diet or exercise”, dumb fucks!

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day September 7th, 2022