I don’t know where they pulled Lili Reinhart out of, but I am not buying that she’s a legitimate celebrity who just surfaced to the top of the casting couch for the hit show RIVERDALE – that made no sense as a hit show and that was clearly designed to program the youth generation with shitty content! You are only as strong as the culture around you and if you keep the culture half retards who think they are the star of their own movies and if you feed them dog shit stories that make no sense but that visually looks alright, except for the girl they casted as Betty, it keeps them down, which is where they want them to be, you know so they can rape them in whatever way they rape, through debt, or fake news, who knows!
Anyway, they’ve packaged her as a starlet of the time, even though she’s big enough to look like she ate all the other contenders, and her she is in some artsy topless pic they all need to star in, in efforts to matter on social amongst the porn chicks and whores, which entertains me!
Seeing high paid, aggressively marketed celebs copying half ass strippers from a decade ago’s hustle, HILARIOUS, and I’ll look!