Stella Hudgens Bikini of the Day

Stella Hudgens taps into the celebrity sister fetish, for those of us into the whole fringe or peripheral of the celebrity world since celebrity is dog shit, but the people of the world think it is amazing, meaning someone like Stella Hudgens will be seen as awesome only because of who her sister is, and I guess since she’s got big tits for a Filipino, but you get what I am saying, peple only care about Stella Hudgens because of her sister, and she will never break free from that!

So because of that, even though she’s got following, connections, etc, she’ll always feel like second string which is the kind of sadness that leads a girl to drugs, or sex addiction, or in Stella’s case, selling lame ass nudes badly!

The sick thing in it all is that she probably makes serious fucking money doing it, because her sister was on a Disney Show, that’s the psychotic clout chasing world we live in!

So here’s second string, benchwarmer, Stella Hudgens on the fringe of celebrity, name dropping her sister to get everything wants, and hating every fucking second of it!



Stella Hudgens Bikini of the Day September 12th, 2022