Girl’s Dropping Solid Advice for Women with her Cleavage of the Day

Florida based Alex has some words of wisdom that we hope we can help spread to the women of the world who are currently under the spell that the media has them under – pushing them to medicate, to work, to sell their soul to the machine, to be single and miserable insect eating idiots, alone in their pods, but ready for a good fuck to release some dopamine with strangers they never connect a human bond with!

So yeah, girls who don’t want to work prostitute themselves, instead of finding a man they want to make a home for, since they are indoctrinated and lazy brats.

But this girl, who probably come from a traditional home, who don’t want to work, and who can get by on their man’s salary, know that their job is to maintain the household, to cook, to clean, to make sure shit is handled, because it’s only fair, but also fulfilling.

She also has another video that says Feminine women, who like being women know that it is important to serve their man, like he serves them, because TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK!

I know people are STARTING to wake up to all this shit and I am glad to keep promoting the truth as I see it, especially with titties!

I like her! Truther Bitches are Hot!

Find her on TIKTOK

Girl’s Dropping Solid Advice for Women with her Cleavage of the Day September 13th, 2022