Milf Monday on a Wednesday of the Day

I am still behind due to impending death from bioweapon attacks or whatever the fuck my pancreas decided hurt it, so I’m over here posting MILFS that were meant to go up on a Monday on a Wednesday, could you fucking imagine, what a concept!

I figure that since I am a slacker, degenerate, pervert who lacks ambition when it comes to all things, including getting off the couch, posting MILFs for a Monday on a Wednesday is pretty on time, but despite being a slacker, degenerate, pervert who lacks ambition, I’ve been pretty good at updating this dumb site Monday – Friday for almost two decades, even though it’s thankless, and probably works as a distraction that allows me to be a slacker, degenerate, pervert who lacks ambition. At least, I am impressed with myself. Thank God for WAYBACK MACHINE to forever keep track of my internet legacy, there’s no way they’d EVER try to shut that down in their MINISTRY of TRUTH, “WHERE DID WE GO WRONG THIS FIRST ATTEMPT AT TYRANNY, SHIT PEOPLE COULD GOOGLE AND SEE WE CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF VACCINE – DAMN”…..yes, I don’t forget or move on.

All this to say, the better late than never of this post also applies to the MILFs in the post because they probably shoulda been doing this pre-MILF, but are doing it as MILF, so better than nothing.

Milf Monday on a Wednesday of the Day September 21st, 2022