Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are the victim of a targeted attack that took place in the mid-90s until about 5 years ago that involved being shamed, humilated, told they are second rate panties, because the media and the big corporate monsters wanted to sell THONGS and sexier underwear for girls to get used to dressing like sex workers in their everyday life, so that when the pandemic hit, they’d be ready with a drawer full of outfits they could use in their transition to prostitution!

Well, I guess with the whole having a lot of content to produce and people need variety, it’s the spice of life, or some shit, the ladies came together and said that this is a new woke generation of inclusivity!

If men can pretend they are chicks and sell nudes, then women can get away with wearing their relationship comfortable panties, plus the losers who pay for nudes probably NEED that girlfriend experience to help them not kill themselves!

So this is basically charity work, philanthropy because in the 00s, a picture of a girl in her full backs would likely caused extreme shame, cyberbullying and suicide, but here it’s being used to give the illusion of relationship for strangers via a screen!

We’ve progressed so much as a people!

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day September 23rd, 2022