Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism is a scam funded by evil to trick women into thinking they aren’t the goddesses that are worshipped at the head of their households, managing the home and the kids, in what would be a fulfilling use of their time, as they have 3D printers in their fucking cunts that make life, which is insane and amazing, but for whatever reason, it’s being attacked as some sort of deformity that gets in the way of living their best, empty, shallow, disgusting, degenerate, perverted, baby killing life, where they get to have a career until they are 65 so that they can be taxed, or they can be whores that fuck for money, or marry for money, all to satisfy their narcissistic needs!

It’s an attack on WOMEN man, and when these idiots like Em Rata who are disgusting pigs and who damage the core of femininity by making it a fucking commodity, crying feminism, you know it’s a fucking agenda or scam to justify their own shitty life decisions as degenerates!

These woman are not necessarily feminists, but they are braless, and that’s been packaged as a feminist hustle, so hopefully they realize that braless is just hot and not some political activism of pulling the tits out to fight the patriarchy that I don’t think even exists, it’s just lies to further the DIVIDE and to keep people miserable, empty and sedated on brain pills!

Feminist Friday of the Day October 7th, 2022