Em Rata – Boner Giver of the Day

It’s safe to say when Em Rata’s tits are cropped out of the frame, she’s a real fucking babe who would have totally gone viral on her face alone, you know one of them natural beauties that makes your heart stop when you lock eyes with her and not someone who is just a product of tits she’s willing to show off in efforts to distract you from her beautiful, hypnotizing, monstrous bird-like face….

You probably prefer seeing her body that she is known to show off, like at some fancy event last week, where she wore mesh…but you MUST celebrate her face because she’s a FEMINIST WRITER of our times, the feminist writer of our time, you know, from showing her tits for personal gain, to spinning that into some intellectualized bullshit, even though she’s likely a high school drop out, because that’s what happens when you have fat tits that you decide to whore out for feminism, to fight the patriarchy, by giving men exactly what they want from you, you don’t bother learning things, but instead you figure out how to spin your whoring into something bigger than you so you can live with your whore self for promoting whoredom to a generation of girls who now sell their pussy for 10 dollars a month in efforts to live that influencer life a dumpy faced cunt like EM RATA has inspired them to chase…..

VAPID fucking monsters…

Em Rata – Boner Giver of the Day October 20th, 2022