Aneka Townsend is the Dead Jamaican Influencer of the Day

Her name was Aneka Townsend, she was an influencer out of Jamaica, which means she posted slutty enough pics of herself on social media to get noticed….

The whole “I am an influencer” think is pretty retarded, since people can fame it by buying fake followers that inspire enough actual people to follow her….but that’s not really her fault, society wants to have the “cool kids” to follow because they are trained sheep I guess….

But the whole all that glitters is not gold, worst case scenario happened to this influencer last week when they pulled her body, a bloody towel and a wig out of the Jamaican ocean…..because clearly, a motherfucker didn’t like what she was doing, or maybe he LIKED it too much and it made him mad….

The internet is a crazy place filled with crazy people who can do crazy things to you, especially if you’re a girl that produces content for weirdos to jerk off to, but instead of fearing the crazies, some of these girls sell nudes to the crazies, making them more crazy….all for the clout!

She has an amazon wishlist…which included things like a panini maker….something she won’t be needing because she was killed….but yeah, the internet is a bad place for bad people that people know are bad, but that they still produce content for… or maybe it is just Jamaica that is bad…..who knows….I just find it surprising more influencers aren’t killed off on the regular, in part for being the worst society has to offer, but also because there’s a lot of weirdos out there who can track down their home addresses if they wanted to end them….for their money, or their pussies, or their scheming, or their cock-teasing….

Dark story I blame Zuck for.

Aneka Townsend is the Dead Jamaican Influencer of the Day October 24th, 2022