Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know if the medical workers getting naked on the internet are just doing it to make some extra money because being a medical worker doesn’t pay enough…..

Maybe it’s a sideline in case they get fired for not getting the next series of vaccines that were forced on them the first time around, you know so that they have options, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Maybe it’s that they like the attention and realized in the whole medical workers are healthcare heroes era, that it felt good to be worshipped and praised and what easier way to get worshipped and praised than with racy content… know build that fan base.

Maybe they are just the sex workers of the healthcare industry by nature, aiming to care for people in need, while trying to score doctor cock and doctor lifestyle, and moving that to the internet was fun….

Maybe it’s a high stress, high energy, thankless job, now that the parades have ended, so that posting nudes is the dopamine release they need to get up each day…..

Or maybe they know they can’t get fired because they are all short staffed, so basically exposing themselves at work, in uniform, some with their name badges on is a “who gives a fuck if I get caught, they need me”…..and in this sex positive world they can probably spin getting fired for being nude online into a huge lawsuit that is anti-woman….or some other shit.

I don’t know, I just hate hospitals and find the getting naked amongst all the death and disease vile…..but maybe that’s the appeal… the wild world of SCRUBS gone WILD…


Medical Worker Monday of the Day October 24th, 2022