Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I guess Medical Workers are in slutty Halloween costumes all the time, you know when they are pretending there’s a scary pandemic and they are heroes, NO I WILL NOT FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO US….it was fucking mental…and the frontline workers liked the praise and attention more than being HONEST about how COVID wasn’t a thing….and is still not a thing unless you’re 80, in a mask, 6 shots in, and scared of air..

I don’t really like the SCRUB costume that the medical workers wear, it’s just a little too CLINICAL and unflattering, I am more into the fetish nurse costumes most nurses probably wish they got to wear to work, but can’t because they are forced to do their sex work in secret….which I guess is interesting, because a stripped down medical worker is better than a clothed one, and today is a day where anyone can be a medical worker….so let’s jerk off to those unqualified cosplaying ones….

Medical Worker Monday of the Day October 31st, 2022