Heather Graham’s Nipples for Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party of the Day

Apparently, creeper German Heidi Klum who does not get cancelled for her German past, but who is instead celebrated by what the Nazi Germany eugenics. program that used humans to experiment on, which is more than they did with the COVID shot before getting it in everyone’s arm….YES, I went there…I can’t help it, it’s top of mind….I want REPARATIONS!

Anyway, the Eugenics program KLUM’s Halloween party is still the hottest ticket in town for the shitty celebs with too much time and money on their hands, on the most holy of holy nights in their Satanic calendar….

Heather Graham brought her tits there, I’m not a historian, so I’ll just call her costume tits with visible nipple, unless that’s a reflection..but either way, Heather Grahams tits are old buds, they are old friends, familiar faces and even though I’m not nostalgic, the aged tits, are still her tits, and s far as I’m concerned they are LEGENDS in the sport….

Klum went as a worm she spent 2 years old, because I guess she wanted to be the creature that eats the bodies she drinks the blood out of for that whole HGH fountain of youth…

In the process of pushing her WORM costume, she posted a scandalous and slutty selfie that she is too old for, but when cropped and edited, looks pretty on point….and it is TANLINE TUESDAY isn’t it? No wait, that’s on thursdays…

Her best creation is her daughter Leni with the midget body and the monster tits, they went viral for mom/daughter incest fetish content for a lingerie brand:

Here’s the worm….

Heather Graham’s Nipples for Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party of the Day November 1st, 2022