Josie Canseco Yellow Latex of the Day

Josie Canseco is the hot model daughter of Jose Canseco who 25 years ago, they decided they’d give her the feminized version of her daddy’s name, like white trash in the backwoods, only millionaire Cuban pro athletes.

Her mom is a hooters model who used her vagina for personal gain, she made sure that cum stuck up where it had to after having the opportunity to fuck Jose Canseco who we’ll assume was roided up and at the top of his game at the time…..where she was clearly so hot that his roid balls still were able to ejaculate where it fucking counts…unless it was a flip the condom inside out situation. I wasn’t there.

I just know when you’re a hooters waitress, you make these opportunities bring the ROI you need, and thanks to the hot daughter who has learned some of momma’s tricks, coupled with daddy’s athlete genes, she delivers the goods even though she doesn’t have to, since she’s a rich kid…..

So she whores out on the internet out of passion and a love for being half naked online and not because it’s a means to an end to get paid and there’s something hot about that.

This is her halloween costume.


Josie Canseco Yellow Latex of the Day November 2nd, 2022