RIP MOTHERFUCKER THE Julie and Julia Mooch of the Day

I remember at the height of the blogging industry, before social media really took the fuck over and some bloggers were able to dominate on that space, while others who were terrible at self promotion slowly died off, or me, who keeps doing it but doesn’t expect anything to come from it….

But yeah, this Julia Child movie came out, thinking it was a biopic and as someone who grew up on that weird cooking show tranny, I ended up seeing it.

I was quickly disappointed when I realized it was about a blogger who hated her lame ass life and who needed a viral stunt to get noticed, so she mooched and stole Julia Child’s recipes from Julia Child’s signature book and wrote blogs about her experience doing all 500 recipe from the book.

I don’t know if she did all 524 recipes, but you know, doing 3-4 recipes a week and writing a blurb about it, is fucking easy to do plus you get to eat well and bitch got a book deal, TV deal, and became a millionaire with one viral stunt, in an era when viral stunts weren’t an everyday think making millionaires…

Here I was writing 10-15 posts a day for my 100,000 followers, that are LONG gone at this point, but at the time the site was getting 100,000 – 150,000 people a day…..and I was making dog shit money slaving away with the celeb nudes, my only highlight in the 18 years of doing it was when Lindsay Lohan got my number and became my text buddy for a month….or two….as great as an accomplishment as that was, I’d be happier with doing 5 posts a week, not 15 posts a day, have it turned into a best selling book and movie, so that I can fuck off on a tropical island somewhere…..

So, needless to say, I hated this Julia and Julia bitch and the scam she ran but also hated the industry for their laziness in not supporting the minimum wage work horses of the blog world….

Well, the bitch is dead, so I’ve outlived her, and there’s satisfaction in that, only because she wished death upon the ANTI VAXXERS, she was one of those misinformed libtard retard covidiots in her double mask with 6 shots in 18 months kind of idiot…

Seeing this tweet of hers going viral, makes me hate her even more, she’s the precise reason why I will not forgive or forget what they did to us….

In fact, let’s dig her up and kill her again for being such a piece of shit, but I guess God got his wrath on the mooch bitch…..

Her name is Julie Powell, RIP Motherfucker. The world is a better place without that kind of SCUMBAG….

RIP MOTHERFUCKER THE Julie and Julia Mooch of the Day November 2nd, 2022