Sofia Vergara’s Butt Shot Selfie of the Day

It’s funny when a career prostitute, who is arguably not a prostitute, and who likely thinks she is not a prostitute, but to those who have exchanged opportunities for a chance to motorboat her big Colombian tits, they may have another story….and does it ever really end with a good motorboating, that’s just what happens in the flirting phase of the date before the real deals are made.

Unless she extorted her way into the industry at 40 years old with her thick accent and tits thanks to her her drug lord family back in Colombia that used to monster tits as drug mules to get their product into Hollywood, the cocaine hub of degeneracy in America….

Which is always possible, but maybe they just needed a stereotypical spanish speaking character for their shitty modern family, for Hollywood level inclusivity….who knows….

What we do know is she is rich as shit, and as part of being a rich as shit famous as shit, set of big tits, who also has an ass, Walmart has partnered with her, knowing her audience of NETWORK TV watching morons are the kind of audience they want to trick into thinking Walmart is a fashion brand. Funny angle.

More interestingly, her Walmart campaign involves some user generated selfie content, meaning she’s like a low level slutty influencer, but instead of skinny tea pushing for 500 dollars, she’s making millions with slutty butt shots and it’s all so low quality from people with budget, that it’s almost offensive, like more offensive than an outraged blue hair on tiktok, because reducing yourself to easy cuz it works, instead of doing good, is just the way we enslave society into being morons….

At least there is a butt shot!

Sofia Vergara’s Butt Shot Selfie of the Day November 15th, 2022