Bella Thorne Being Scandalous by Posing with Smokes of the Day

Posing with smokes should get you cancelled.

In this era, a Disney Kid can sell nudes to her pervert fans, which I think she’s done a terrible job with, especially when you factor in how she is a victim of abuse, whether raped by her mom’s boyfriend when she was a kid, or raped by people in the industry, you know ith being a Disney kid, you’d expect her to be more extreme, but maybe that’s the experience of being in the industry shining, she knows she doesn’t need to sit on giant butt plugs covered in feces to get the paying subscriber, plus it won’t alienate her from the industry she’s grown up in, so that she can one day get that OSCAR….

The real scandal is that she is posing with contraband, cigarettes. They cause cancer you know! How dare she influence the kids to smoke….sell nudes, be a boss bitch, but no smoking….OH shit….

Bella Thorne Being Scandalous by Posing with Smokes of the Day December 1st, 2022