Sarah Hyland’s New Face of the Day

Sarah Hyland has been consistently terrifying to me, she looked like she had primordial dwarfism her entire career, here you couldn’t quite tell if she was 90 and dying, or 10 and dying, but you were right in thinking she was dying, because even her own kidneys tried to check the fuck out….maybe the cloning facility that made her didn’t have the tech they needed for their Disney clones for ABC family shows to last as long as they’d like, luckily, they could just buy her new ones…

Anyway, thanks to the internet, she tries to play this hot chick into sex, despite her husband being a fag, and part of that is rockin’ face filters, a girl made me into some bald dude earlier today thanks to snapchat, it creeped me out….but these is what these whores are using….or she’s jacking up her face with face injections….maybe she’s been replaced again with a body double or new clone because the other one died and they have too much invested in her to let the Sarah Hyland brand die…you know like they did with Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince…who fucking knows, but this is definitely a NEW FACE who this..STILL CREEPY in a tight dress that at least one of you Modern Family watching freaks will jerk off to…because people did watch that show and that’s fucking weird to me….before realizing how basic and retarded normies are…


Sarah Hyland’s New Face of the Day December 2nd, 2022