Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Covid is done, as long as you ignore it, which I do, but I have been seeing this headline going around “Just because the vaccinated are dying doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccinated”….which as far as I’m concerned is the logic that carried us through this pandemic, thanks to everyone being a half moron, bored and excited to have an excuse to not live or to be scared of everything, like the hypochodriacs they are….

I blame the medical workers for not speaking up…..

I have been seeing other stats like that rare cancers are on the rise, blood clots are on the rise, heart attacks are on the rise…. Dr Drew Pinsky is even pushing the anti-vaxxer, vaccines hurt narrative that was blown off as a conspiracy….

I blame the medical workers for just being bought and paid for, scared to lose their jobs, pieces of shit that they are for not speaking up……

I have seen other stories like that heart inflammation, or myocarditis which is associated with the vaccine isn’t a big deal, it’s mild, even though traditionally life expectancy for myocarditis not MYO CAR DYKE TITS…. is 5-10 years, something fun if you’re only 18 years old….but they are saying “at least it’s better than long covid”….something that probably doesn’t exist….

I blame the medical workers for not speaking up…..

I have seen even more stories about vaccinated people getting rattled by COVID, that unvaccinated people never seem to get, but they still drop the “thank god I am vaccinated” line…..

It’s freaky shit……and I blame the medical workers for not speaking up….

However, COVID is boring, Vaccines Boring, We are all going to die anyway, might as well do it with a government sanctioned shot that if you don’t have it, you lost your freedoms….

We need to focus on the good things in life, like the medical workers I just blamed getting naked on the internet for extra money, in a throw in the towel, or cockiness that they can’t be fired, that I appreciate…..

I come from an era where posting nudes destroyed lives, so seeing professionals post nudes for profit while still working their professional jobs, fucking awesome!

Medical Worker Monday of the Day December 5th, 2022