MILKY MONDAY….lets start the week off with some HGH producing LIFE of the species….Heterosexuals be fighting EXTINCTION for 1000s of years….milk-filled tits…..
Not because I particularly like seeing a tit put to work, like it’s some kind of slave at the plantation, being forced out of its natural habitat under the shirt to be bit on by it’s own offspring in some weird and demented fashion industry level of perversion, but I milk tits have grown on me…now that I know the women who are milk filled actual sexualize the milky tit for the perverts into that shit, or their husbands now that the tits are bigger than they”ve ever been, instead of just doing the “it’s natural” activism they were doing with Free the Nip…..
It was never about feeding babies, but always about the right to pull tits out under the guise of feeding babies. I’m onto you BREEDER.
That said, I saw this influencer body builder who claimed to eat raw cow liver as his diet turn out to be on steroids after profiting off his scam and I thought….MILKY TITS could be my LIVER….make me the LIVER KING with MILKY tits, all jacked up on breast milk I suck out of the source for the sake of fitness influencing….and they couldn’t ban me for sucking tit on instagram before lifting…FREE THE NIPPLE motherfucker….breastfeeding AINT just for babies, you AGE DISCRIMINATOR….