Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I keep on pushing the same bullshit, which is Tiny Tit lives matter…..Tiny tits are titties too…stop Tiny Tit Hate…..because the universal truth, that can’t be denied, is that tits, all tits are awesome..

In a world where there’s some inversion of truth, where everyone is emotional and excitable, quick to cancel people, they push all kinds of bullshit agendas….

Like fat chicks being marketed as hot under the guise of body positivity…and saying they aren’t hot because they are fat is body shaming….is a farce…

But when it comes to tits, small tits marketed as hot under the guise of body positivity, is fact because they are tits and saying they aren’t hot because they are small makes you a fag.

So stop letting small tits slaughter themselves to get jacked up with toxic plastics to look hotter….keep TITTIES organic…

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day December 6th, 2022