Lea Michele Tits of the Day

I don’t know if Lea Michele has officially cut her dick off yet, but I am going with “Not Enough Estrogen” on this transition that like Jamie Lee Curtis, has still not been made public, despite all of us knowing the truth, thanks to their hard features….

Sure, you may have both genitals, and you may live out life as a woman, but that doesn’t mean there’s not a set of balls tucked between the labia and the anus.

I know what you’re thinking, WHO IS LEA MICHELE…

Well, she was on this show called Glee and they tried to convince us that she was a hot chick, something I never believed…she is now face filler, face filtered and rumored to be a mom, but you know that a pregnancy suit was used for that troll, and this is her doing slutty selfies that look like she’s just tired selfies….

FUN….but not really.


Lea Michele Tits of the Day December 13th, 2022