I don’t know shit about the WWE….but Mandy Rose a stripper girl who works in the WWE has been dropped for posting racy content to the paying fans…
I guess you could argue that the WWE should be fined for discrimination against WOMEN just trying to be WOMEN in the modern age of whoredom….or for getting in the way of a woman doing her whorin’ because that is her art form as a sex positive stripper looking woman….you know since women can get away with murder by crying and playing victim and saying things like “you’re a misogynist”…..but the people who run the WWE can’t get away with a little too much TOUCHY FEELY…they call that sexual assault because he’s in a position of power or some shit forcing him to resign….but I guess that’s probably apples and oranges where the real comparison would be if The Rock was letting you smell what was cooking by selling his panties after jerking off on them on webcam for the fans…..which probably wouldn’t get him fired due to the boys being boys double standard in this TOXIC masculine world….
Anyway, in this era where everyone is an exhibitionist pushing racy content for attention, so long as it’s not dick sucking it should be fair game, I say…LET THERE BE WHORES….since they are all whores…you know, why try to oppress them or suppress their natural whore talents, wants and needs.
Unfortunately for some wrestler named Mandy Rose, who for those of you who don’t know anything about the WWE, is for kids, families and stunted grown men who like other grown men to fake fight in spandex because of the simplistic storylines, you retards….to make it less gay they throw in girls who LOOK like porn chicks, or strippers to wrestle, but they don’t let them actually do the sex working publicly, because kids are watching….
So she can leverage her WWE fame and mke some real fucking money off the perverts she’s collected, the way nature intended for her….WWE firing is actually the best thing that could happen to her career from a dollar standpoint…
I randomly had 3 of her videos saved and just saw the story so figured, let’s see the wrestler who is now dropped from WWE because her content was outside her contract parameters, but now she can go and make millions more on OnlyFans because wrestling fans are weird fucking perverts with credit cards and no real brain…
I am sure her shit got more racy than this, since these are a month old, but I don’t even know where I found them, so take what you can get in this NEWS CYCLE….bro and yeah, she definitely did this to get kicked off WWE to finally get paid….ONLYFANS shit pays…