Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls aren’t necessarily piggish slobs who look like they sit around playing video games all day, either getting an allowance from their dads, or maybe selling nudes or feet pics to old creepers who help pay the rent, I mean maybe they rent a room in a basement room with a bunch of other sloppy girls doing the same thing to get by in a world where they can’t be bothered getting dressed, showered or out of bed, but they sure look like they are most of the time

I am not a weed hater, if anything weed is a medicinal tool that improves the lives of many, and tons of hot chicks smoke weed, they just not be the ones compelled to use weed as a prop to find that niche in the world of selling nudes, because they are hot chicks and can smoke weed without documenting it like a fan girl.

I do find anyone trying to get clout from something as basic or normal as smoking weed dumb, but I’d rather hang with girls who are stoned, thinking they are having a religious experience or more mellowed out than some drunk bitch actually sloppy, embarrassing herself…it’s a more mindful high…

These are some weed girls, some hot, some not, all good, cuz they’re getting naked on the internet the way nature intended when he invented the internet.

Weed Wednesday of the Day December 21st, 2022