On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off flashing is really all we can hope for in 2023….

World Peace won’t happen, war makes too many people rich….health and wellness won’t happen, they are poisoning us with food, water and air….rich won’t happen, there’s inflation, devaluation of the currency, stock market and real estate market crashes…..you don’t stand a chance…

But one constant is that ladies will be clothed and that we’ll want to see what they look like naked under their clothes….whether we’re off grid hiding, in a FEMA camp slaving, in a pod house they’ve given us….so long as they don’t take ALL our testosterone….clothed vs unclothed will be as important in 2023 as it has been my whole life…

So here’s to more On/Off….

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day December 30th, 2022