The year is 2023 and I haven’t seen more tits this year than I have in my lifetime, but if I did, it would still not be enough tit, as I am into tits…
I have been thinking a lot about how great a nice big tit is, even a fake big tit, becaue I am conditioned to love the big tit and to want to suck the big tit, it’s probably coded into all of our DNA, hence the titty obsession that lets the big tits win at life.
Since big tits are obvious for obvious reasons and great for obvious reasons, I still like to give the tiny tit some love too….
I am a bit of a contrarian, forced to hate the mainstream, forced to find lame what the mainstream finds cool, and for as long as I can remember, I am more into supporting the underdog, which the TINY TIT owner is….
That’s not to say tiny tits aren’t hot or amazing, but to say that tiny tits face big tits everyday and likely feel insecure about their tinyness, even when they love them, because SYSTEMIC RACISM against their tits…
Yet, we must pull our shirts up and champion the cause, stop the negative self speak and realize that all tits are great and deserve to be jerked off to…and hacking them up and inserting toxic plastics is not the solution….showing us all your great tiny tits is.
Here are some TINY TITS for more tits in 2023.