Rihanna Promotes her Lingerie of the Day

Big girl Rihanna, the girl with the weirdest origin story that I just can’t really wrap my head around, since every version of it, is a version of human trafficking, maybe it’s legal, maybe it’s by rich people, but the starlet was apparently brought from Barbados to America and created into a star, when really not having the look, the talent or the following to justify that.

There are probably girls in the islands with 1000s of followers, who can sing, better and look hotter than Rihanna today, in this internet era, unable to make magic happen, but in a pre-social media time, some dude just scooped her up and said “let’s bring you to NYC and sign you to Jay Z’s label”….we deserve answers….

Anyway, in her being famous, she’s launched a billion dollar direct to consumer brand, as these people do, it’s a way to game the internet, sell them celebrity endorsed crap like it’s a late night infomercial, only pretend it’s all high end quality and not trash….people of the internet have credit cards, they will buy anything they are told, they are hive minds….

She did get back into music this year, I heard her song on the radio in a store and could tell it was her, but obviously wasn’t impressed knowing it’s just more programming, robotic, formulaic bullshit that resonates with the retard brain and goes viral and gets popular due to resonating with the retard brain. The music industry is a big industry, obviously they can control minds using sonic warfare.

Part of her selling her billion dollar brand, since she’s more than just bad played out over hyped music people love, is that she gets into some of her gear, big girl tits out, and I figure it’s worth looking at, sine it’s a famous chick with a questionable origin story worth billions being whorish….FUN.

Rihanna Promotes her Lingerie of the Day January 12th, 2023